VERITAS stand for Voluntary Education and Relief Initiative for Tanzanian Society is a volunteer-run grass roots community and animal rights organization based in Kasulu, Western Tanganyika. We strongly recognize the links between the oppression of animals and other social justice and environmental causes. We aim to build coalitions with other organizations that promote social justice and sustainability, to create a better world.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all living beings—human and non-human—coexist harmoniously, free from exploitation, cruelty, and suffering. Our goal is a global society where the consumption of animal products is no longer the norm, and where the voices of animals are heard, respected, and protected. We aim to create a future where veganism is embraced by individuals, communities, and industries as a fundamental principle of justice, sustainability, and compassion.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote a compassionate, plant-based lifestyle while protecting the rights and welfare of animals. We strive to educate and inspire individuals to make choices that support the well-being of animals, the environment, and their health. Through advocacy, outreach, and community engagement, we work to create a world where animals are treated with respect and kindness, and where veganism is recognized as a powerful tool for a sustainable, ethical future.

What We Do

Vegan & animal right Advocacy, Human-animal coexistence, Agriculture & Nutrition and Economic Empowerment

Vegan & Animal Right Advocacy

It is absolutely clear that we do not need animal products to eat a healthy diet.

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Human - Animal Coexistence

This program area is largely informed by the various forms of reported...

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Agriculture & Nutrition

VERITAS works with communities towards enabling sustainable agriculture...

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Economic Empowerment

Economic empowerment is a key cornerstone of our approach to providing...

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Our Team

Meet our dedicated team with a shared passion.

Nuhu Jacob

Executive Director

Mary Samwel

Program Operations Manager

Baraka Mbise

Conservation Coordinator