About of Animal advocacy work.
Our work focuses on campaigns and programs that protect animals from all forms of cruelty through promotion of plant based diets a strategy that will reduce the demand for increased animal farming especially in cages.
Under our project ‘Free the Hen’ our mission is to end the abuse of hens through cage farming that limits their inability to practice natural behaviors like nesting, exercising and dust bathing but are subjected to high levels of stress and frustration while in cages resulting in a higher incidence of metabolic disorders and severe frustration.
We do this through encouraging Tanzanians to opt for plant based diets to reduce commercial farming of hens in cages, a practice that’s not only good for the animals but human health and the planet.
We promote animal welfare education in communities and schools. And also work with relevant government agencies and departments to advocate for better policies and guidelines towards the improvement of animal well being.
Why ‘Free the Hen’ Project
Cages limit hens ability to practice natural behaviors like nesting, exercising and dust bathing but instead they are subjected to high levels of stress and frustration It should be known that caged hens may experience increased aggression, reduced bone strength, impaired foot conditions and higher feather loss.
Project Mission:
A world where all hens are free to nest, exercise and dust bathe.