Our Programs

What We Do


  • For The Animals
    Products such as meat, dairy, eggs and leather all necessarily involve a lot of suffering. Animals raised for such products suffer in a number of ways, from pain, fear, confinement and sadness (such as when a female cow has her baby taken away so her milk can be used for human consumption), and of course they are slaughtered. 
  • For Human Health
    It is absolutely clear that we do not need animal products to eat a healthy diet. There is evidence of this in the growing number of vegans from all walks of life who are easily getting all of their required nutrients without animal products. This is also being recognized by mainstream health organizations such as the Tanzanian Dietetic Association, whose position is that:
  • For The Planet
    The environmental impact of animal agriculture has also been highlighted by significant institutions, including the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. In their report ‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’, they revealed that animal agriculture was responsible for 18% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, more than all forms of transport combined (13%).

What We Do On Vegan

  • Access to vegan education on the benefits of vegan living for individuals, animals, and the planet through awareness programs, festivals, conferences, and events. This includes providing local activists with resources and assistance to organize result-oriented vegan festivals and conferences in their own communities.
  • Support member individuals and organizations to help create plant-based popularity through public lectures, news, articles, and the media to promote veganism, as well as vegan-friendly options, in various industries including the hospitality industry.
  • Support vegan entrepreneurs on a resource and organizational level in their efforts to spread the word about vegan living through plant-based entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Provide support for the local production of affordable, environmentally-friendly, plant-based food products as substitutes for animal-based protein and dairy


The Kasulu District, located in Tanzania, is experiencing a concerning trend of dog bites, particularly among children. The root causes of this issue are multifaceted and include the presence of hunting dogs utilized by local hunters. These dogs are often in close proximity to children, leading to potential conflicts and bites. Moreover, inadequate awareness and education on responsible dog ownership and dog behavior further exacerbate the problem. The consequences of dog bites extend beyond physical injuries, often resulting in psychological trauma, infections, and even deaths.

Problem Statement:

The primary challenge facing the Kasulu District is the increasing incidence of dog bites, largely attributed to the presence of hunters hunting dogs and inadequate education on responsible dog ownership. This poses a significant threat to public health and safety, particularly among children who are more vulnerable to such incidents. For example, from January to March, 2024, a total of 55 children under 13 years old die for rabies from hunting dogs. Lack of knowledge is a key reason why people, and most often children, die for rabies from hunters hunting dogs. Addressing this issue requires innovative approaches that not only mitigate the immediate risk of hunting dog bites but also foster harmonious human-canine interactions within the community.


The objective of this concept note is to present innovative strategies to tackle the issues stemming from human-canine interactions in the Kasulu District. The primary focus is on devising effective measures to decrease the frequency of dog bites among children within the community.


1. Community Engagement and Education: Engaging in community workshops and awareness campaigns concerning responsible dog ownership, behavior, and strategies for preventing dog bites. Collaborate with local schools to integrate dog safety education into the curriculum, targeting children at a young age to instill responsible behavior around dogs. Utilize local radio stations and social media platforms for disseminating information on dog bite prevention and responsible pet ownership.

2. Training and Support for Hunters: Conducting training sessions for hunters focusing on humane dog handling techniques, emphasizing the significance of socialization and obedience training for hunting dogs. Encourage hunters to spay/neuter their dogs to curb aggression and prevent overpopulation. Establish a community support network for hunters, providing resources and guidance on responsible dog ownership practices.

3. Strengthening Animal Welfare Regulations: Collaborating with local authorities to enforce existing animal welfare laws and regulations, which include licensing and vaccination requirements for pet dogs. Implementing stricter penalties for irresponsible dog owners, such as fines for permitting dogs to roam unsupervised or neglecting their care. Establish a community-based monitoring system to report instances of stray or aggressive dogs, enabling prompt intervention by animal control agencies.

4. Veterinary Services and Healthcare Access: Enhancing access to veterinary services in the Kasulu District, incorporating vaccination clinics and spay/neuter programs. Provide freely veterinary care for low-income households to ensure that all dogs receive essential vaccinations and medical treatment. Collaborating with local healthcare facilities to increase awareness and treatment of dog bite injuries, encompassing infection prevention and post-exposure prophylaxis.

5. Impact Assessment: Conducting regular assessments to measure the effectiveness of the implemented strategies in reducing the incidence of dog bites and improving human-canine interactions in the Kasulu District. Evaluating key indicators such as the number of reported dog bites, community awareness levels, and compliance with animal welfare regulations. Using feedback from stakeholders and community members to adapt and refine the interventions as needed.

By embracing a multifaceted strategy encompassing community engagement, education initiatives, support for hunters, reinforced regulations, and enhanced access to veterinary and healthcare services, the Kasulu District can effectively tackle the complexities of human-canine interactions, thereby substantially diminishing occurrences of dog bites among children. This concept note delineates a comprehensive blueprint for the implementation of innovative strategies aimed at fostering responsible dog ownership and bolstering public safety within the community.

VERITAS works with communities towards enabling sustainable agriculture production and ensuring that everyone receives sufficient nutritious food – for the long-term. We provide training in nutrition and in sustainable, organic methods of farming, develop community mentors and provide seeds, tools and technical support at the outset.

Our training and support programmes cover a wide spectrum of farming and nutrition issues. The direct training and long-term approach promotes the cost-effective sharing of skills with thousands of other households who benefit from improved livelihoods through peer learning.

What we do on Agriculture and Nutrition:

  • We provide education in the production of high-value nutritious crops, protein supplementation, water saving and improved agriculture techniques. We also support households and the larger community in developing skills and knowledge to improve their nutrition through the establishment of individual and community/group organic kitchen gardens using water saving and improved agricultural techniques to produce a variety of both indigenous and exotic crops.
  • By training people in the effective use of stove liners to reduce firewood collection, optimized fuel consumption and improved hygiene and safety in kitchens, we are making a significant contribution to the enhanced health and well-being of all community members.

Economic empowerment is a key cornerstone of our approach to providing sustainable long-term solutions, which will truly endure. By helping people gain the skills and experience they need to secure economic independence, we are permanently breaking the cycle of dependency that has for so long robbed individuals and communities of the chance to live fulfilling and rewarding lives.

What we do on Economical Empowerment:

  • We work with communities, groups and individuals to provide training, education and on-going support across a variety of areas within the remit of Economic Empowerment.
  • We help to facilitate the development of micro-enterprises (eg. agriculture, agribusiness) through the provision of start-up finance, materials (e.g. goats, poultry, mills) and business training.
  • We provide training on proposal writing, fundraising and marketing, connecting groups with suitable markets for their produce and skills.
  • We expand and extend project management skills and entrepreneurship through the provision of training in financial resource management and the establishment of revolving community funds.
  • We also identify and engage other sources of long-term funding and support and we train community groups in how to access funds and grants to the best effect and with greatest relevance and benefit to the community.

Our Partners

In providing relief services and promote sustainable development to vulnerable communities through capacity enhancement interventions, VERITAS is allied by different Organizations that share the vision and mission for creating a better world. These organizations are: